
Numerous actors across the EU are involved in the fight against the Trafficking of Human Beings. In an effort to honour their work and provide the public with information regarding ongoing efforts; a non-exhaustive list of initiatives identified within the EU working on national, european, trans-national and international level follows below.

Inter- & Trans-national Initiatives


Victim Support Europe (Twitter, Facebook)

Terre des hommes (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

EU Justice (Twitter, Facebook)

Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

Agenfor International (Twitter, Facebook)

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (Twitter, Facebook)

European Ombudsman (Twitter, Facebook)

Missing Children Europe (Twitter, Facebook)

Eurochild (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

GRETA – the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (Twitter, Facebook)


Bulgarian Initiatives


Animus Association (Homepage)

Center for the Study of Democracy (Twitter, Facebook)

Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (Homepage)

NADIA Centre Foundation (Homepage)

World Without Borders Association (Facebook)

Dignita Foundation (Homepage)

Bulgarian Fund For Women (Facebook, Instagram)


Greek Initiatives


DIOTIMA (Facebook)

Greek Council for Refugees (Facebook, Instagram)

ARSIS (Twitter, Facebook)

HIAS (Twitter, Facebook)

Network for Children's Rights (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

PRAKSIS (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

Danish Council for Refugees (Facebook)

METADRASI (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

Equal Rights Beyond Borders (Twitter, Facebook)

Refugee Support Aegean (Twitter, Facebook)

A21 (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

Generation 2.0 (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

Solidarity Now (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

Human Rights 360 (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

Zaatar (Facebook)

Terre des hommes Ηellas (Twitter, Facebook)